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Purpose of project

Sexual exploitation in Montreal is a reality that has existed for many years. Nowadays, Montreal is often considered the sex capital of North America.

Numerous articles have recently appeared in Quebec newspapers which point to Montreal as a city where the prostitution market is flourishing.

The city is also known for its street gangs and all sexual activities associated with pimping.

In addition, Quebec is one of the provinces most affected by the gang phenomenon and its metropolis, Montreal, is at the top of the list in terms of the extent scale of this problem.

  • In Quebec, 27% of teenage girls housed in youth shelters have been involved in prostitution.
  • In Quebec, 8% of boys housed in youth shelters have been involved in prostitution.
  • In the Greater Montreal area, 56% of teenage girls housed in youth shelters report having been involved in prostitution.
  • 80% of prostitutes started their activities while they were minors.
  • The average age of entry into prostitution is 14-15.

What's the goal

To provide a unique program that follows up with clients over a long period of time.

SPHÈRES wishes to apply its intervention strategies over a period of five (5) years. For example, a 16-year-old girl who starts the project at Year 1 and continues her involvement in the intervention until Year 5 would be 21 years old at the end of the project.

Such a project would address the “service disruption” that currently exists during the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

This breakdown in services at a time when young people are most vulnerable is one of the biggest shortcomings faced by at-risk youth.

The transition from adolescence to adulthood is a crucial moment when young people experiencing certain difficulties or vulnerabilities, whether personal, family or social, may perceive prostitution as a potential option, or even an obligation.

A period of five years provides essential manoeuvring room to adequately support young people for whom the aim is to initiate a process of change through a psychosocial follow-up.

Agence de santé et des services sociaux Montréal, 2012
Lanctôt, Couture, Couvrette, Laurier, Paquette, Parent and Turcotte, 2018
Trellet-Florès, 2002
SRCQ, 2006
Totten, 2012
Conseil du statut de la femme, 2012